Is it time to Upgrade your Computer?

Sitting and waiting for something to load or for your computer to turn on is annoying. Trying to work on a computer that keeps freezing or lagging can be frustrating. Having to delete old files to make room for new files can be nerve racking, in fear of deleting something that you might need. Having your computer upgraded can solve all of these issues.
Common issues with old computers.
The most common problem we see with old computers is the speed. As the years go by and the internet grows so does everything else. With the sizes of files getting bigger and all the windows updates, that I feel like is every couple days, bogs down our older computers and makes them run slow. Eventually the updates and files will get so large that your old computers just wont be able to handle it anymore.
What to upgrade first?

The first thing I would upgrade, and the easiest is the hard drive. Most old computers still use a hard disk drive which is like a cd. Inside the HDD is either one or multiple disks that spin like a cd and has a arm that reads and writes information onto that disk. With so many moving parts HDD are prone to fail. Upgrading to a solid state hard drive or SSD is a major upgrade to your storage. In a SSD you have no moving parts that can fail only memory chips. Those chips can fail but that is rare. Doing that upgrade will dramatically increase the overall speed of your computer, from booting up the device, to opening an application or file. It is almost instant, no more spinning hourglass waiting for something to load. Another added benefit to upgrading your HDD to and SSD is the size. An old HDD is large, bulky, and has moving parts so its sensitive to any movement. An SSD is small, almost the size of a credit card, and can have massive capacities to hold and store all of your files and information. An SSD also has no moving parts so it is not sensitive to any movement.
The next upgrade.

The next upgrade would be more involved than a simple swap of a component. Depending on the age of the hardware upgrading to the newest and greatest parts would be a great route to go. With a new generation hardware upgrade you would be getting a new motherboard, CPU, and RAM. Every couple years the CPU manufactures create a different socket for the CPU to be housed in. Thus forcing the upgrader to replace the motherboard and CPU. With each generation leap other component’s follow like the RAM but those don’t change as much as a CPU does. Depending on what your going to be using the computer for will help determine what combination of parts will work best with your needs. Going to a reputable Computer Repair shop for your upgrade is a great idea because they will be able to talk with you and determine the best set-up for your needs. Contact Computers and Crypto of St. Pete (727) 291-3352 or stop by 2931 1st Ave S. St. Petersburg, FL 33712.
Courtesy of Computer Crypto of St. Pete | Tampa Computer Repair