Bug Transmitted Disease – Stop the Spread with SuperScreen!
Florida is home to 12,000+ species of insects. Many of which do bite humans and pets if given the opportunity. Bug transmitted illness has been a hot topic in the news in recent years with the spread of Zika and the West Nile Virus by way of mosquito.
Let’s take a look at the top ranked “most likely to bite” category.
Coming in at #1: Mosquitos – Florida has been invaded by the Aedes aegypti (yellow fever mosquito) and the Asian Tiger Mosquito. They both and can carry a huge array of diseases.
#2. No-See-Ums: These mini biting midges are a huge nuisance. they are hard to see and leave itchy red welts.
#3. Yellow Flies, Stable Flies, and Horse Flies – Mostly found in beach areas their bites sting like you have been pricked with a sewing needle.
#4 Fire Ants: Fire ants deliver a painful sting that often leaves a swollen pustule on the bite area.
#5 Ticks: The American Dog Tick is common in Florida. Though they do not carry Lyme’s disease as deer ticks do, they can carry Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Turlaremia. The Gulf Coast Tick also inhabits our land. It can transmit several pathogens to animal and human.
#7 Brown Recluse Spider: These think leggy spiders are toxic and their venom can rot chunks out of human flesh. If you are bitten please seek medical attention.
#8 Black Widow Spider: These spiders are also venomous and should be considered dangerous.
With all of these creepy crawly creatures around, how do you keep them at bay and out of your home?
One of the best and easiest ways is by installing Super Screen on your patios, doors, and windows. Super Screen
is incredibly durable. In a 7 year test of exposure to the elements here in Florida, it lost only 1% strength with no tears or rips needing to be repaired. It is pet resistant, mold resistant, bug proof, and even fade proof.
Give East Coast Electric Screening a call today for a FREE estimate or to learn more at (561)-746-2622. We back our SuperScreen with a 10 Year Warranty. Now serving Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie and Indian River Counties. www.eastcoastelectricscreening.com